Recently Sold Junk Cars
Looking to get an idea of what junk cars sell for? View our continuously updated list of recent junk cars we bought for cash. Each month, Junk Car Medics purchases 1,000's of junk cars each month all across the United States.
Below is a sample of some of our recent purchases.
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Please note, these recently sold junk cars are for informational purpose and do not mean your vehicle of the same year make and model will sell for the same price.
The value of junk cars changes quite frequently based on many factors such as the vehicle, its condition, and weight. Import junk cars are more likely to sell for more cash than domestics.
Recently Purchased Junk Cars For Up to $100 Cash
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Recently Purchased Junk Cars For Up to $200 Cash
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Recently Purchased Junk Cars For Up to $300 Cash
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Recently Purchased Junk Cars For Up to $400 Cash
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Recently Purchased Junk Cars For Up to $500 Cash
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Recently Purchased Junk Cars For Up to $600 Cash
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Recently Purchased Junk Cars For Up to $700 Cash
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Recently Purchased Junk Cars For Up to $800 Cash
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Recently Purchased Junk Cars For Up to $900 Cash
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Recently Purchased Junk Cars For Up to $1,000 Cash
[car_offers_range_data amount_start="901" amount_end="1000"]