We Pay Cash for Cars Across Tennessee

Junk Car Medics purchases junk cars across Tennessee. We will come to you anywhere in Tennessee, remove your vehicle for free, and provide payment on the spot. View our most popular cities below.

junk car buyer in Tennessee

Calling Hours

24 Hours a Day
Call (855) 587-0227

Pickup Hours

Monday to Friday: 9am to 6pm
Saturday: 9am to 3pm
Sunday: Closed

Requirements to Sell Cars in Tennessee

  • Vehicle Title Requirements: A valid title is generally required to sell a junk car in Tennessee. If you’ve lost your title, you can apply for a duplicate title through the Tennessee Department of Revenue (TDOR). Junk Car Medics can assist you in obtaining a duplicate title quickly.
  • No Title? Possible Options: Tennessee may allow junk cars to be sold without a title under certain conditions, such as vehicles that are over 10 years old and sold for scrap. We can help verify your eligibility and guide you through the necessary steps.
  • Release of Liability: Once your vehicle is sold, you need to notify the TDOR by submitting a Vehicle Transfer Notification form to protect yourself from future liability. We assist in handling this properly for you.

Helpful Resources:

Having the right information is key when selling your junk car in Tennessee. These resources will guide you through the process: